HexGaming Rival Review
Specialty gamepad modders
A must-have item for professional esports athletes
It Can Put You At The Top Of The Leaderboard
HexGaming ULTRA X Controller for Xbox Review
HexGaming is a lesser-known brand in the accessories market, but one that should be more acclaimed given the quality of the HexGaming ULTRA X.
Gets Ultra-Expensive, Elite-Style Controller From HexGaming
Two of the key features of this new elite controller.
It's targeting the esports audience.
The back does look comfy for your hands and certainly seems like a quality controller for those who like having their quality in the competitive scene.
Custom Controllers
A custom controller is a great gift option.
HexGaming Advance Controller review: Deep customization and performance upgrades
HexGaming also offers a premium edition of the Advance controller. These don’t feature the same deep customization options but are pre-built with a lot of the same features.
The best custom controller currently available
This is the custom pad that you’ve been searching for to aid you in dominating this generation.
HexGaming Hex Rival Custom Controller Review
As one of the only custom controller options out there, HexGaming seems to think it can get away with demanding this premium, but it appears to be priced on availability and demand, rather than value.
HexGaming Ultimate Controller review:
A fully-customizable design, swappable joysticks, and programmable paddle buttons.
HexGaming’s Ultimate Controller | It’s Only Uphill From Here [Review]
It’s Only Uphill From Here
HexGaming Hex Rival controller review: A high price for minor revisions
The Hex Rival Controller Is an Amazing and Amazingly Expensive Pad
HexGaming truly outsmarted a lot of its competition by using the first-party controller as a starting point and worked from there instead of creating something that was bound to be inferior from scratch.
The HexGaming Rival Controller Could Give Your Gaming a Boost
The Hexgaming Rival is squarely aimed at pros.
Hex Gaming Rival Controller Review: A Fantastic Controller With A High Price
The esports makeover treatment.
Best Controller: Hexgaming Rival Controller
Perhaps one of the most important parts of the Hexgaming Rival controller is the inclusion of mappable paddles that can be mapped to any of the other buttons on your controller.
Hex Gaming Rival Controller Review: A Fantastic Controller With A High Price
Gives the sportsplayers an easy-to-use boost to a game.
HexGaming Ultimate Controller review: competition grade for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS
A fully-customizable design, swappable joysticks, and programmable paddle buttons.
You might as well try Hexgaming Ultra X controller, it will bring you unexpected surprises
il gamepad spera di diventare un controller indispensabile per gli atleti di eSport professionisti